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People don't turn gay, you are born that way. It can take sometime until you know though or until you are ready to admit it to yourself.

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Q: Why is people turning gay?
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Why do you think boys day is no longer just for boys?

Because people or turning gay or bi 2) can't trust people enough to hang out with them

What are the odds of children turning out gay?

The odds vary, but about 1 out of 20 children will be gay.

Is it normal to go through a period of hating gay people before you realize you have repressed gay feelings?

Yes, this has been identified by many psychologists and sexologists as being normal and natural. Often, when people experience feelings for the same sex, they become scared of "turning gay". To attempt to hide or repress these feelings, many repressed homosexuals act homophobic and insult gay people. The thinking behind this is that if they hate gay people, then surely they cannot be gay as well.

Why are so many people turning into gays and lesbians?

No one can turn gay. It's simply not possible. It may seem like there are more gay people, but that is only because society has become more tolerant. Years ago if people were gay they would have to hide it and lead a double life. Being gay was like being a criminal in those days, but because society has changed this means that more people are out as gay.

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why do people always have to say dumb things! if gay people are happy let them be happy!

Why do you think Boy's Day is no longer for boys?

Because people or turning gay or bi 2) can't trust people enough to hang out with them

What is the average age that proletariats start to turn gay?

Nobody "turns" gay. Ever. You are gay or you aren't gay. The only turning point is maybe when you realize you are gay, or when you accept that you are gay. But you were gay all along.

You feel you are turning gay?

People don't turn gay. Sexual preferences are genetic. If person A feels attracted to person B and person B is of the same sex it is not because of something that person A did to become homosexual.

How do you get gay people?

You can meet gay people but you can't "get" gay people.

Are gay people actually gay?

Yes, gay people are actually gay.

Is are gay people gay?

Yes, very gay they are so gay that they eat gay people haters

What were gay people?

well, gay people are still around so your question should be- what ARE gay people, and gay people are people who like people of the same gender.