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When you have your period, the lining of your uterus sheds along with blood. This lining is made up of tissue and blood vessels that build up in the uterus each month in preparation for a potential pregnancy. When fertilization does not occur, this lining is shed during menstruation, resulting in a mixture of blood and tissue being released out of the body.

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Q: Why is not lining is coming out with your period just blood?
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Why the female needs a thick uteras lining fertilization does occur?

The thick uterine lining provides a nourishing environment for a fertilized egg to implant and grow into a developing embryo. It contains nutrients and blood vessels to support early pregnancy and establish a connection with the mother's blood supply. If fertilization occurs and the egg implants successfully, the thick uterine lining helps sustain the pregnancy until birth.

What does it mean when your on your period and brown discharge comes out instead of blood?

Brown discharge during your period can be normal and is usually just old blood that is being expelled from your uterus. It can happen at the beginning or end of your period. However, if you experience other symptoms like severe pain, foul odor, or irregularity, it's best to consult a healthcare provider.

Can implantation bleeding happen 2 days before your period and on the day of your period?

Implantation bleeding can occur around the time of your expected period, which may include 2 days before or on the day of your period. It is typically light spotting that occurs when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining. If you suspect you are experiencing implantation bleeding, it is best to consult with a healthcare provider for confirmation.

What is the difference between implantation bleeding and your period?

Implantation bleeding is only a few spots of blood, nothing like a period. There's no flow to Implantation bleeding and it just spots of blood which I've had mine was stringy pink blood in discharge. Implantation blood can be brown/pink/red . Days from 1-3 that's how long it can last for 1-3 days its nothing like a period 1 in 3 women get it. It can be stringy or thick. You can get a bit of a belly ache just for the day. Period has a flow a period starts light - heavy-light where as implantation bleeding stays light and periods have cramps it can also have clots as well . Hope I help from Pink Princess Your period will have a flow to it. It will come out whether you are going to the bathroom or not. I believe I am experiencing implantation bleeding at the moment. It is brown and sort of stringy, but I only get it or see it when I wipe. It doesn't just come out of me, only when I use the restroom and it doesn't happen everytime I go... like I don't need to have a tampon in or have a pad on. I miscarried last month and the bleeding was completely different than anything, implantation or period. Note to those pregnant and experiencing bleeding, please call your health care provider, it is very important. The bleeding I experienced from the miscarriage was heavy, very red and had lots of clots. Not a normal period... and the miscarriage bleeding (7 days) lasted longer than a normal period for me (5 days).

Why is period brown?

Brown simply means old blood. It's normal if your period is light.Blood that has mixed with discharge and taken time to leave your body can turn brown - just like blood from any other part of your body may go brown.

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Brown coloured discharge 3 days late period pains that feel like period is coming?

Its coming its just coming kinda late. Brown discharge is blood its just old blood which is why its brown. Its kinda like the beginning of your period when you have brown discharge, that is how mine starts.

How does a womans period work?

She bleeds out her vagine women have their period because their uterus is shedding its old lining. the blood is basically just dead skin cells

Why do you have black blood instead of red during your period?

jK its normal... its just old blood coming out instead of new blood

When you have blood coming down and your period passed weeks ago is that a miscarriage?

If you're not pregnant, then no. It is not a miscarriage. Your period is just screwing up.

Why was period brown then red?

Some periods contain the lining of the uterus, some periods seem to only have..blood. I'm experiencing the same thing, and I'm noticing that when I was on the pill, my period would be darker, and I could actually see the lining and what not. Now that I'm off of it, I actually only see blood..and its bright red.

Why does menstruation for girls causes severe stomach ache?

because your uterus lining is disintegrating. the lining of your uterus and blood capillaries present in your uterus to accommodate a baby in case of fertilization is now detaching from your uterus and falling as your period.

What do it mean if you spot pink blood then brown blood two days before your period then it goes away the same day?

Spotting is normal before your period, it's just the start of your period as the uterine lining starts to shed. You can also get spotting after your period, or mid-cycle spotting around the time of ovulation.

What are the big pieces of blood that come out when you have your period?

It just means that your flow is coming out heavy. Blood has a product called fibrinogen in it and that dissolves clots. If the flow is heavy then fibrinogen doesn't have enough time to act on the blood which makes it clot. However if you are experiencing very heavy clots you should contact your gynecologist. The lining of your uterus is changing and that means it's also pieces of it.

What do blood colts mean when getting your period?

On a heavy period it can seem as though your vagina is spewing out blood and sometimes it can look like clots or jelly like, usually really dark red/ so dark it can look black. There is nothing to worry about since it is just all of the blood. Its the uterus lining being shed.

Does epithleal tissues have blood vessels?

Epithelial cells are the lining cells. they are not a tissue. this is to be understood first. the outermost lining is known as the epithelial cell lining. it is provided its nutrition through diffusion- indirectly through blood. BUT they DO NOT have a blood vessel supply, since they are not an organ/tissue, just a cell lining.

I'm observing some skin elements bleeding out during period. what does ths imply?

Menstrual flow is not just blood, it's the shedding of the lining of the uterus. Sometimes you'll notice other components of this lining, particularly when progesterone levels are higher.

What's wrong if you finished your period about 2 weeks ago and in the past few days you have had brownish spotting that sometimes looks veiny or clumpy and you have very mild cramps?

This could just be your uterine lining coming away which is normal, it just came away after your period instead of with it.