Well it depends because if you are drinking decaff no, but if you are drinking regular yes.
Dizzy ,faint, sick, lightheaded
tis happens because you are so drunk you ge dizzy and yo cant really control yourself so once you drink a sip of that alcohol you feel funny you begin to halucinate then your head soin then dizziness starts
dont do it!
Because alcohol is a depressant and a downer !
YES! You can freeze outside when the weather permits, no matter how drunk you are or warm you feel from drinking alcohol.
no its terrible for you. it will make you feel weak and dizzy 24/7
Some signs of alcohol abuse is if the person tries to hide the alcohol that they are drinking, if they feel ashamed whenever they are drinking, if they have to drink in order to feel better, or if they black out while drinking a lot.
Alcohol is a depressant. It makes you feel tired, sad, and "down."
You are probably not drinking enough water and are dehydrated. Add more fluids to the routine. It should help.
To be Badgered is too feel extreamily rough from drinking cheap/nasty alcohol.
Not before and not after (1-2hrs) Massage increases circulation, so drinking before would increase circulation of alcohol through body, but at the same time it relaxed the mind and body, which can make you feel dizzy and very sick. Drinking after a massage will just make you feel more tired and "off", putting more toxins in body while massage decreases them. Drink on a different day On you spa day, drink fresh squeeze juices, organic tea, and filtered non-bottled water.