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Some signs of alcohol abuse is if the person tries to hide the alcohol that they are drinking, if they feel ashamed whenever they are drinking, if they have to drink in order to feel better, or if they black out while drinking a lot.

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11y ago

Some signs of alcohol abuse are the feeling of need to have a drink to feel better or relaxed, feeling ashamed about your drinking and blacking out and not remembering. These are some common signs which can be diagnosed and treated with the aid of a doctor.

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Q: What are some signs of alcohol abuse?
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What are the signs or symptoms of alcohol abuse?

There are many signs of alcohol abuse, including feelings of guilt, shame, and paranoia. Abusers also often black out.

What should anybody do if you noticed a friend displaying several of the warning signs of alcohol abuse?

Buy them some beer :)

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Signs of teen abuse can vary from victim to victim. Some signs of teen abuse are poor school performance, trouble concentrating and sleeping, poor eating and depression.

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There are several possible treatments that can be used for alcohol abuse. Some known options are rehabilitation, detoxification and maintenance of sobriety.

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Emotional signs of child abuse are sometimes harder to pick up on than physical signs. Lack of trust and fear of adults, feelings of being unworthy and not being able to control emotions and emotional reactions are typical signs of child abuse.

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99.9% of spouse abuse is caused by alcohol abuse.

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There is no typical alcohol abuse treatment. Each form of treatment should be designed around the person who is being treated. Some need out patient, some need in. Some need AA meetings.

What are the physical signs for abuse?

Some signs of abuse are Bruises on the back, the back of your legs and arms, and the inside of your upper arms. Also, be careful if a child has marks on them and won't tell you where they're from.

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The diagnosis of alcohol-related neurologic disease depends largely on finding characteristic symptoms and signs in patients who abuse alcohol. Other possible causes should be excluded by the appropriate tests.

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There are many recreation activities that can help in preventing drug and alcohol abuse. Sports are one recreation that help prevent drug and alcohol abuse. Other creative methods like art and music can also help.

What signs and symptoms can one observe in a case of barbiturate abuse?

Some signs and symptoms that one can observe in a case of barbiturate abuse would be drowsiness, slurred speech, and confusion. The signs and symptoms vary depending on amount consumed.