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Alcohol is a depressant. It makes you feel tired, sad, and "down."

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Q: Why do you have difficulty staying awake from drinking alcohol?
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The best tip I can give you for staying awake while writing a term paper is to get plenty of sleep the night before. You could also try drinking a lot of caffeine.

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Alcohol in any form should not be your choice of beverage to stay awake.

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A vigil is a "staying awake." Its antonym would be a sleep-over.

Does alcohol you energy?

Yes. Alcohol is a depressant, but it can have a stimulant effect when you first begin drinking. If you're really tired and you start drinking, you'll notice that you don't feel tired anymore. Instead, you feel awake and energized. Later on, though, you will crash and get incredibly sleepy very quickly.

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Staying up late

Is alcohol an energy source?

Yes. Alcohol is a depressant, but it can have a stimulant effect when you first begin drinking. If you're really tired and you start drinking, you'll notice that you don't feel tired anymore. Instead, you feel awake and energized. Later on, though, you will crash and get incredibly sleepy very quickly.

Does taking citalopram and drinking alcohol increase severity in headaches?

I think so, I take 20mg a day and had a few drinks earlier, my headache is so sharp it's kept me awake for the last 3 hours

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I hope you've been staying awake in kindergarten... Green.

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What are the sideffects of staying awake on Ambien cr?

You trip balls! You will have hallucinations and most likely not remember anything.