There are 365 days a year and that's not divisible by 7 (days a week) so your birthday falls on a different day every year.
You have your birthday each year on the date that you were born. On that day, you become one year older. You can celebrate on that day, or a convenient day that is near your actual birthday.
to much
It will fall on every day of the week. because each year, the day of your birthday will increase by one. ex. if my birthday was on a tuesday this year, next year it will be on a wensday. i have no idea how it works but i have experienced everyday of the week on my birthday :)
If your birthday never goes back to the same exact day like a Tuesday then you were born on a leap year. But the reason it changes is the affect of leap year especially because of the days all move forward each year look at your calender the next time you can then you will see that it will keep moving forward. It moves all over the week.
this was Queen Victoria's birthday,we celebrate it on a different day each year so we can have a long weekend.
Normally a birthday changes by one day each year, because there are 52 weeks and 1 day in a year. In a leap year there is an extra day, so your birthday has moved on by two days, so instead of moving to Saturday, it has moved to Sunday. In 2013 it will be Monday; 2014 on Tuesday; 2015 on Wednesday and 2016 on Friday, as that will also be a leap year.Normally a birthday changes by one day each year, because there are 52 weeks and 1 day in a year. In a leap year there is an extra day, so your birthday has moved on by two days, so instead of moving to Saturday, it has moved to Sunday. In 2013 it will be Monday; 2014 on Tuesday; 2015 on Wednesday and 2016 on Friday, as that will also be a leap year.Normally a birthday changes by one day each year, because there are 52 weeks and 1 day in a year. In a leap year there is an extra day, so your birthday has moved on by two days, so instead of moving to Saturday, it has moved to Sunday. In 2013 it will be Monday; 2014 on Tuesday; 2015 on Wednesday and 2016 on Friday, as that will also be a leap year.Normally a birthday changes by one day each year, because there are 52 weeks and 1 day in a year. In a leap year there is an extra day, so your birthday has moved on by two days, so instead of moving to Saturday, it has moved to Sunday. In 2013 it will be Monday; 2014 on Tuesday; 2015 on Wednesday and 2016 on Friday, as that will also be a leap year.Normally a birthday changes by one day each year, because there are 52 weeks and 1 day in a year. In a leap year there is an extra day, so your birthday has moved on by two days, so instead of moving to Saturday, it has moved to Sunday. In 2013 it will be Monday; 2014 on Tuesday; 2015 on Wednesday and 2016 on Friday, as that will also be a leap year.Normally a birthday changes by one day each year, because there are 52 weeks and 1 day in a year. In a leap year there is an extra day, so your birthday has moved on by two days, so instead of moving to Saturday, it has moved to Sunday. In 2013 it will be Monday; 2014 on Tuesday; 2015 on Wednesday and 2016 on Friday, as that will also be a leap year.Normally a birthday changes by one day each year, because there are 52 weeks and 1 day in a year. In a leap year there is an extra day, so your birthday has moved on by two days, so instead of moving to Saturday, it has moved to Sunday. In 2013 it will be Monday; 2014 on Tuesday; 2015 on Wednesday and 2016 on Friday, as that will also be a leap year.Normally a birthday changes by one day each year, because there are 52 weeks and 1 day in a year. In a leap year there is an extra day, so your birthday has moved on by two days, so instead of moving to Saturday, it has moved to Sunday. In 2013 it will be Monday; 2014 on Tuesday; 2015 on Wednesday and 2016 on Friday, as that will also be a leap year.Normally a birthday changes by one day each year, because there are 52 weeks and 1 day in a year. In a leap year there is an extra day, so your birthday has moved on by two days, so instead of moving to Saturday, it has moved to Sunday. In 2013 it will be Monday; 2014 on Tuesday; 2015 on Wednesday and 2016 on Friday, as that will also be a leap year.Normally a birthday changes by one day each year, because there are 52 weeks and 1 day in a year. In a leap year there is an extra day, so your birthday has moved on by two days, so instead of moving to Saturday, it has moved to Sunday. In 2013 it will be Monday; 2014 on Tuesday; 2015 on Wednesday and 2016 on Friday, as that will also be a leap year.Normally a birthday changes by one day each year, because there are 52 weeks and 1 day in a year. In a leap year there is an extra day, so your birthday has moved on by two days, so instead of moving to Saturday, it has moved to Sunday. In 2013 it will be Monday; 2014 on Tuesday; 2015 on Wednesday and 2016 on Friday, as that will also be a leap year.
yes indeed your birthday is on a day of the year and if it is your birthday today, happy birthday!
It goes one day forward each year because each year January 1st falls on a new day.(If January 1st were to fall on a Wednesday this past year, it would be a Thursday next year).It's also different if it's a leap year.
No 12 year olds have a birthday every day. They only have a birthday once a year.
Your birthday is an type of anniversary. An anniversary is a special day that comes round each year, such as the day of your wedding or the day someone died, your birthday is just one of these anniversaries.It is up to you to decide which anniversaries you want to celebrate.
I'm so sorry but there is not but if your birthday was on a Monday one year then Tuesday you can tell what day your birthday will be on the year after that
One, the day you are actually born. Each year after that, you are simply celebrating your birthday.