doctors dont know how to calculate it, cause half the time the mothers arent sure exactly when they got pregnant, all they know is, that it was between the time of their last period and their doctors appointment ....pregnancy starts on the day u had sex and something got leave behind ...
Estimated due dates and pregnancy time lines are calculated from the very first day of your last menstrual period.
Until 13 weeks after the last period.
It's the first day of your last menstrual period.
it should start in about 35 days, if not a pregnancy test should be administered.
You work out how long it is since the FIRST day of you last period.
Pregnancy can be confirmed about 4 weeks after the first day of your LMP (last period) or about the time your next period is due to begin.
What was the first day of your period? That is more important as that is when pregnancy is counted from.
To calculate an estimated due date you should count from the very first day (the day you started bleeding) of your last menstrual period.
Pregnancy symptoms can start at any period of time for any person. It truly depends on the person. They can start as soon as conception occurs and can last until the baby is born.
Estimated due dates and pregnancy time lines are calculated from the first day of your last period.
First few days of the last two weeks are considered as danger period. You are likely to get the pregnancy at this period.