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To calculate an estimated due date you should count from the very first day (the day you started bleeding) of your last menstrual period.

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Q: When you calculate how far along you are in pregnancy do you count week one as the start of your period?
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you count how far along you are by the first day of your last period. So by the time you miss your period you are technically considered 2 weeks pregnant.

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they count the two weeks before you concieved when calculating how far along you are, so really it should be from the first day of your last period to now, that will tell you how far along you are! :)

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Count the number of days you bleed for.

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How do you calculate the day on which you got pregnant?

Your pregnancy is considered to have started on the first day of the cycle in which you got pregnant. Since most women have a 28-day cycle and they conceived around the 14th day, you are technically considered 2 weeks pregnant at the time of conception. Therefore, by the time you find out you are pregnant (you've noticed you missed your period, pregnancy test is positive) you are considered about 4 weeks pregnant. hope this is what you were looking for.

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Count forward 9 months.

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How do you count weeks in pregnancy?

Doctors count from the first day of your last period, LMC, as the first day of your pregnancy. In reality you typically will ovulate and become pregnant about 10-16 days after that. They also take into matter the length of your cycle, how long between periods. That's why 2 weeks early or 2 weeks late is considered normal for the prenatal period. As every woman ovulates on a different day of her cycle. A 12 week ultrasound will likely pinpoint how far along you are as most babies grow at the same rate for the first 3 months.