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First few days of the last two weeks are considered as danger period. You are likely to get the pregnancy at this period.

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Q: Does the last two weeks before your cycle consider it as safe?
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the best time is 2 weeks after the beginning of your last period, if you're on a 28 day cycle.

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If you were 6 weeks pregnant when was the conception date?

No, not necessarily. How far along you are is estimated based on the first day of your last menstrual cycle. For example, if you just missed your period, then you're probably already 4 weeks pregnant!

What is the cycle of pregnancy?

pregnancy is dated 40 weeks from the date of your last period. The first day of your last period counted as day one. You usually conceive during the middle of your cycle so when you find out you are pregnant, usually when you miss you next period you are said to be 4 weeks pregnant but the fetus is only actually 2 weeks old.

How long should a female menstrual cycle last?

Hi I am awering your question about a female's menstal cylcle. A female's menstal cycle should last about a week up to two weeks (7-14 days).

Is cramping 2 weeks before your period a sign of pregnancy?

Not usually. It depends on the length of your mentrual cycle, though sometimes its hard to determine how long your cycle lasts esp. if you're young and periods aren't yet regular, but as a general rule cramping 2 weeks before your period simply means you are ovulating. Just before and around Ovulation is the time you are most likely to fall pregnant (roughly 10-16 days after your last period started).

How long do the side effects of fluoxetine last?

It last from about 3-4 weeks before it wares off.

Do you begin to ovulate the last day of you menstrual cycle or after the last day of your menstrual cycle?

You don't ovulate on the last day or the day after the last day of your menstrual cycle.The last day of your menstrual cycle is the day before your period - the first day of your period is day one of your menstrual cycle. Ovulation occurs two weeks before menstruation, if you had a 28 day cycle that would mean you would ovulate around day 14 of your menstrual cycle.Unless you use fertility awareness method you can't tell when you are fertile or ovulating.