Because in SOME areas, the elected members of the legislature thought this would be a good thing. A license (or licence) is not required in all places, because laws vary place to place.
You need to define the term gun license. In most of the US there is no license to own a gun. Some states require a license to carry a gun. others to carry a gun concealed. There is also a license to make or sell guns. All are different and have different procedures.
It depends on several factors; Where you are located and exactly what you mean by "gun license." Do you mean a license to carry a gun? A license to purchase a gun? A license to build guns?
If you are 21 and have no criminal record there is no requirement to have a carry license however you do need one is you wish to carry concealed.
Carry how? If you mean carry concealed, you need a Concealed Weapons license, or be a law enforcement officer.
You need a license to carry a firearm in many places. You cannot carry one on an airplane.
It depends on where you are and what you mean by "license." In the U.S. in most states, you have to be 21 to get a handgun carry permit. In most states, you do not need a license just to own a gun.
It depends on your state laws. Some places require a license to buy, others may have a license to carry concealed, some do not require a license if you open carry.
Jack Ruby could get any license he need, with ease.
Yes- that is the whole purpose of a concealed carry license.
In states that require them, it is a license to own (not to carry concealed) a gun.
You don't need a gun license if you are 25 but if your under 25 you do need a gun license
Yes, as long as you are also a resident of Florida. Sorry, I should have also said this: You can buy a handgun from a private party if you don't live in Florida, but to be legal, the owner would have to ship the gun to a dealer in your state, and you would have to pick it up there. There will almost always be a charge for that.