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Because in SOME areas, the elected members of the legislature thought this would be a good thing. A license (or licence) is not required in all places, because laws vary place to place.

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Q: Why do you need a license to carry a gun?
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How do you get a gun license in America?

You need to define the term gun license. In most of the US there is no license to own a gun. Some states require a license to carry a gun. others to carry a gun concealed. There is also a license to make or sell guns. All are different and have different procedures.

What do you need to do in order to obtain a guns license?

It depends on several factors; Where you are located and exactly what you mean by "gun license." Do you mean a license to carry a gun? A license to purchase a gun? A license to build guns?

What do you need to carry a gun in wv?

Carry how? If you mean carry concealed, you need a Concealed Weapons license, or be a law enforcement officer.

Can you buy a gun without license to carry?

If you are 21 and have no criminal record there is no requirement to have a carry license however you do need one is you wish to carry concealed.

Can one carry a gun when traveling?

You need a license to carry a firearm in many places. You cannot carry one on an airplane.

How old do you need to be to get a gun lincece?

It depends on where you are and what you mean by "license." In the U.S. in most states, you have to be 21 to get a handgun carry permit. In most states, you do not need a license just to own a gun.

Do you need a gun license to own 15 handguns?

It depends on your state laws. Some places require a license to buy, others may have a license to carry concealed, some do not require a license if you open carry.

Are you allowed to carry a gun in your glove box of car with out a license in Texas?

Jack Ruby could get any license he need, with ease.

Can you carry a loaded gun in PA with a license?

Yes- that is the whole purpose of a concealed carry license.

Is a foid card the same as a gun license?

In states that require them, it is a license to own (not to carry concealed) a gun.

Do you need a gun license in USA to own a fire arm?

You don't need a gun license if you are 25 but if your under 25 you do need a gun license

Do you need a permit to buy a gun in Florida?

Yes, as long as you are also a resident of Florida. Sorry, I should have also said this: You can buy a handgun from a private party if you don't live in Florida, but to be legal, the owner would have to ship the gun to a dealer in your state, and you would have to pick it up there. There will almost always be a charge for that.