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You don't need a gun license if you are 25 but if your under 25 you do need a gun license

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Q: Do you need a gun license in USA to own a fire arm?
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Related questions

What is a fire arm?

A Fire Arm is a gun

Is annual completion of a gun control questionnaire required to carry a fire arm?

Not in the USA

Can you get a gun license with 2 misdemeanors?

Depends on the law where YOU live (and you did not tell us where that is) what KIND of license (did not tell us that) and what the misdemeanors were (you did not tell us that) We need information to be able to give information. Sorry- LIVE IN CALIFORNIA, I HAVE ONLY ONE MISDEMEANOR AND THAT'S FOR EXIBITING A FIRE ARM. THAT WAS A SHOT GUN

How old do you need to be to own a fire arm in California?

18 for a rifle or shotgun, 21 for a handgun.

Can a person who legally purchased a firearm but does not have a license to carry have their fire arm in the car?

Depends on the state. Different places, different laws. In some, yes, in some, no.

What is the penalty for carrying a unloaded fire arm without a license while driving under DUI suspension in pa?

If you carry a un loaded fire arm with out a licence in pa witch i would not do!!!!!!!!!! so don't do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!or your fie arm will be takein and you will go to jail #1.te polece will think it is loaded + don't have a liceance so you will be hauld away too.

When did Jarod Diamond die?

Jarod Diamond died on August 8, 2013, in Utah, USA of Fire arm accident.

Do you need a gun license to buy a AR 15?

An ar15 as a semi automatic rifle, 16" barrel, can be purchased just like any other standard fire arm, depending on laws and regulations in your state. For any other versions, be it shorter barrel, and or automatic fire, no longer making it a standard firearm, additional permits and licenses are required.

Do inland make firearm?

You need to be more specific so your question can be answered. Is inland the name of fire arm manufacturer?

What were dally's injuries in the fire?

his arm.

Where can one buy a FN Fal Rifle?

There are several places one can buy an FN Fal Rifle. These sites include Atlantic Fire Arms and Gun Broker. Before purchasing a fire arm, one must possess the proper gun license.

Is a fire arm the same as an air rifle?

It depends on the country and location where you live. In the USA the answer is NO, but other country's have different laws governing air guns