If you are 21 and have no criminal record there is no requirement to have a carry license however you do need one is you wish to carry concealed.
It is against the law to hunt without a license, but you can carry a gun without one and target practice without one.
It depends on your state laws. Some places require a license to buy, others may have a license to carry concealed, some do not require a license if you open carry.
Not without a license to do so. Being a repo man does not grant the authority to do that.
Noway. You can't carry a gun without a Lisecse. but to buy one yo have to be 21 or older.
You need to define the term gun license. In most of the US there is no license to own a gun. Some states require a license to carry a gun. others to carry a gun concealed. There is also a license to make or sell guns. All are different and have different procedures.
Impossible to answer without knowing the state and county you are in.
Yes- that is the whole purpose of a concealed carry license.
Depends on where you are located, and a license to do WHAT with guns? we get questions from several nations and all 50 US states, and laws vary place to place. There are permits to BUY a gun, to possess a gun, to carry a gun, to carry a gun concealed, to collect guns, to sell guns, and to make guns. If you can be more specific, so can we. Sorry-
In states that require them, it is a license to own (not to carry concealed) a gun.
That will depend on what license, and where it is issued from. There is no one "firearms license" in the US. A few states DO require a license to BUY a gun, most require a license to CARRY a gun concealed, and you must have a DEALER'S license to sell guns. It may take minutes, or months.
You do not have to have a gun license to carry pepper spray. It is legal in all states but some states and cities have restrictions. In New York and Massachusetts you buy Pepper Spray from a licensed Firearms Dealer (In Mass. you can also buy it from a Pharmacist).