This is all about the culture in which you live. There are cultures that prefer overwieght people.
Not as such, but being overweight can lead to other breathing issues due to the extra weight on the chest and around the neck.
I don't think there's a tendency for overweight people to become asthmatic, BUT there is a tendency for some people with asthma to become overweight if they have difficulty breathing properly during exercise.
No, some do not. Others, however, do. They realise that the person is more important.
The U.S. population has approximately 63% overweight people, about half of which are classified as obese.
The color doesn't make them gay or not gay. And skinny jeans are not any more or less gay than any other pants. But skinny jeans are not for people who are not in shape or overweight. I do think white jeans look a little odd in cold, wet, dark, dreary climates, like Minnesota in Winter, tho.
because people can get more to eat than animals
because people can get more to eat than animals
The honest truth is: weight matters more to some people than others. Some people simply will never "like you" if you are overweight; with others the sort of person you are matters more. There's no magic way to "get" someone to like you.
You would like to think skinny, but there a lot of obese (really unhealthly fat) people in the USA. In the world that is a completely different answer...
This belief stems from societal norms and beauty standards that prioritize thinness. However, it is not a fair or accurate representation of health. People come in all shapes and sizes, and health is determined by more than just weight. It's important to focus on overall well-being and not judge others based on their appearance.
tht your atrisk for a lot more diseases and cancers and stuff like that
They sometimes do, but i just don't get why fat people always get bullied. What is so wrong with them, why don't normal people get bullied, or thin and slim people? Just because they're a little different they don't have to get bullied. I hate it. No, skinny people are bullied a lot. From elementary school to highschool, I have been bullied and threatened countless times. "Dude, I could throw you across the room" would always be one I heard in 2nd to 5th grade. From then on, I was punched and constantly reminded that I am too skinny to stand up for myself. Now, half of the country wants to lose weight and there is far more focusing on obesity than underweight children, so quit being a drama queen about being overweight, skinny people get picked on far more. As i recall, I am and was picked on by overweight kids- they were the bullies. Overall, I am highly disappointed in the quality of society.