For the same reason some guys like to suck other guys' nipples; it brings pleasure to both!!!
How about you dumb idiot it doesn't bring pleasure unless you do it with my brother cause he has hardly any nipples and don't be a dumas aspdognadsn gpajg
Yes you can some girls like there nipples sucked on some don't you can
cause it feels good
cause it fells awesome.
because guys feel tasty and also feel wild
Yes hairy nipples are normal for Men... but for girls they usually dont grow hair around the nipples.
the pervs of the world find woman nipples sexual but not men.
Not really a guy thing lol.
That is a very good thing because guys love girls with big gives them more to suck
you need to suck them
so they can suck on them
We don't. They get hard when it's cold or some women get hard nipples when they are aroused. Same reasons some men have it actually.
For probably the same reason that men do. All boys start out girls whilst developing in the womb and develop nipples before they are boys.