For the same reason some guys like to suck other guys' nipples; it brings pleasure to both!!! How about you dumb idiot it doesn't bring pleasure unless you do it with my brother cause he has hardly any nipples and don't be a dumas aspdognadsn gpajg
Yes hairy nipples are normal for Men... but for girls they usually dont grow hair around the nipples.
the pervs of the world find woman nipples sexual but not men.
We don't. They get hard when it's cold or some women get hard nipples when they are aroused. Same reasons some men have it actually.
For probably the same reason that men do. All boys start out girls whilst developing in the womb and develop nipples before they are boys.
maybe because they are lesbians-> Girls like nipples because they are sensitive, and it feels good to have them stimulated.Male nipples are also sensitive, and it feels good to have them stimulated too. But many (NOT all) males are not comfortable having their nipples stimulated, because they wrongly believe that this is too feminine for them to enjoy.In general, girls/women's nipples are more sensitive than are men's, and are more likely to produce sexual arousal. Some women can even have an orgasm through nipple stimulation alone. Some girls prefer nipple stimulation because they can experience sexual pleasure without having their genitals(pussy) touched. They may feel less guilty about letting someone touch their breasts than they would feel about letting someone touch their genitals.
maybe because they are lesbians-> Girls like nipples because they are sensitive, and it feels good to have them stimulated.Male nipples are also sensitive, and it feels good to have them stimulated too. But many (NOT all) males are not comfortable having their nipples stimulated, because they wrongly believe that this is too feminine for them to enjoy.In general, girls/women's nipples are more sensitive than are men's, and are more likely to produce sexual arousal. Some women can even have an orgasm through nipple stimulation alone. Some girls prefer nipple stimulation because they can experience sexual pleasure without having their genitals(pussy) touched. They may feel less guilty about letting someone touch their breasts than they would feel about letting someone touch their genitals.
all you men lick it when you got a chance and dream about licking it when you don't. The best things in life are free.
.the fist man to ever have aids from monkey intercorse .worlds cheapist prossy .loving men .licking toilet seats . .worlds cheapist prossy .loving men .licking toilet seats . .worlds cheapist prossy .loving men .licking toilet seats . .worlds cheapist prossy .loving men .licking toilet seats . .worlds cheapist prossy .loving men .licking toilet seats . .worlds cheapist prossy .loving men .licking toilet seats .
Men don't "have to," but it is weird if he does not because EVERYONE, men & women, have nipples.
Men have nipples because all embryos start out with the same basic body plan, which includes developing nipples before sexual differentiation occurs.
Men have nipples because the gender of a baby is not determined at the earliest point of conception. When a baby becomes male they still have the nipples left over and simply grow less breast tissue than females. This will be the most common answer.