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Some are added during the processing of the tobacco, but most are present in the original plants.

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Q: Why do cigarettes have so much chemicals in them?
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How much chemicals are in a cigarettes?


Do cigar tobacco have the same chemicals a cigarettes?

Cigars have no added chemicals like cigarettes.

What are the advantages to switching to an electric cigarette?

Electric cigarettes have so many advantages over conventional cigarettes. You can smoke them indoors where smoking is banned, they give you nicotine without the other harmful chemicals in cigarettes so won't give you lung cancer and are cheaper as they don't cost as much.

How many chemicals are there in cigarettes?

There 4000+ known chemicals in a cigarette

How many chemicals in cigarettes?

over 4000 chemicals including nicotine and tar

What are some chemicals called that are in cigarettes?


Substances that cause cancer?

There are so many different substances that cause cancer. Some of the common agents that cause cancer include cigarettes, food chemicals, gamma radiation and so much more.

What inside the cigarettes?

The maiN ingredient is Tobacco .. Cigarettes contain over 4000 chemicals ....

Are the chemicals found in cigarettes related to the chemical imbalance causing manic depression?

Nicotine is a stimulant. The other chemicals are basically pollution, so they do make you feel pretty crappy. Cigarettes are also addictive. The feelings you get from smoking are not related to the chemicals which cause depression, but they do stimulate some of the same areas in the brain.

What chemicals in cigarettes put you at risk of dying?


Do people stop smoking by replacing it?

I replaced cigarettes with e-cigarettes. Much less harmfull....much less money. E-cigarettes do contain nicotine and therefore...addicting. But they DO NOT contain the over 500 chemicals and the tar from smoke..e-cigs have no smoke...but produce a vapor. Works for me.

How many deadly chemicals are found in cigarettes?

Many are found in total there are 599 ingredients that are deadly in cigarettes