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Because not all white people believed in slavery. In fact, most people, regardless of their race, do not. Most people are decent and caring human beings who wish to live their lives in peace and freedom and want everyone else to do the same.

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Some white men helped slaves due to moral beliefs against slavery, religious convictions, or a sense of empathy towards the suffering of others. Some also helped slaves for personal gain or to align with political agendas.

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What is the name of the act to help runaway slaves called?

The act to help runaway slaves was called the Underground Railroad. It was a network of secret routes and safe houses used by abolitionists in the United States to help enslaved individuals escape to free states or Canada.

How were the slave children of white men treated?

Slave children of white men were often subjected to the same harsh living conditions and discrimination as other slaves, and they were considered property with no legal rights. They were typically born into slavery and faced a lifetime of servitude, lacking the chance for freedom or education. Relationships between white men and enslaved women were often exploitative and the children resulting from these relationships were usually kept enslaved.

What did the two men who were looking for runaway slaves do?

The two men looking for runaway slaves were bounty hunters. They were hired to capture and return the escaped slaves to their owners for a reward.

Why did many white southerners fear free slaves?

Many white southerners feared free slaves because they saw them as a threat to their social, economic, and political dominance. They believed that free slaves could potentially incite rebellions, disrupt the existing racial hierarchy, and compete for jobs with white laborers. Additionally, they were concerned about the impact of free slaves on the institution of slavery itself.

How much did slaves get paid?

They were slaves, they worked for food and shelter, not money. They would never get paid the white man took them from their country so the slaves could work for free on the white man's land and farms.

Related questions

What did men slaves do for jobs?

Men slaves had sex with white men and donkeys!

What do men do for jobs?

Men slaves had sex with white men and donkeys!

Why was it historical for white men to vote?

because at that time balck men where slaves and could not vote

Where there any African American men at the signing of the Declaration of the Independence and is what are their names?

No. There were 55 rich white men. Any African Americans were slaves.

Did white men have weapons during slavery?

Yes, but not all white men used guns (some didn't use slaves either)

Who was eligible to vote in 1776?

White men with property.

Why did some white people not want to help the slaves?

Some white people did not want to help the slaves because they were afraid of being persecuted, they agreed with slavery or they were disinterested by the idea of slavery and therefore felt no need to help slaves. However, the answer depends on what you mean by 'help the slaves'. Because it could denote fighting against slavery or helping slaves escape.

Why did white men marry Native American women?

White men married native american women beacouse tjey wAnted the natives to be there slaves

How did men in the military feel about the proclamation?

Men in the military felt worried because their slaves help them.

How did the men in the military feel about the proclamation?

Men in the military felt worried because their slaves help them.

What rights did whites share with slaves?

With the exception of the small minority of white who were slaves (usually for a set length of time) slaves did not have the same rights as white people. Even some white immigrant groups did not have the same rights as white. And in the case of white women they had fewer rights then men.

How were the slaves put onto the boats by the white people?

they had hand cuff things and they were forced onto the boats by the white men. the slaves were sold by there own people because they didn't want them anymore. they had hand cuff things and they were forced onto the boats by the white men. the slaves were sold by there own people because they didn't want them anymore