They appeal to people by promising weight loss that's very quick and easy. Many people prefer to try the quick fix of a fad diet instead of making the effort to lose weight through long-term changes in their eating and exercise habits.
There are many popular fad diets that claim that one can lose 10 pounds in a week. Some of the most popular fad diets are the cabbage soup diet, master cleanse diet and the Hollywood diet.
Fad diets
There are many fad diets thriving in the US today. Some notable ones are the Atkins Diet, the Zone diet, the Pritikin diet, and other various fad diets.
Fad diets are bad for you because they often dehydrate you and they strain the heart,liver and kidneys. Yes you can lose weight on the fad diets but the weight usually comes back quickly and they are not a good balance of nutrition.
A diet is considered a fad diet when it promises unrealistic rapid weight loss results by following the specific guidelines of the diet. Often fad diets become popular very quickly and lose their popularity after a short time. These types of diets are generally considered unhealthy by medial and nutritional professionals as they do not supply the body with needed nutrients.
No. They are dangerous to your health.
Who Knew - 2010 Fad Diets 3-98 was released on: USA: 17 May 2011
Whats most popular is a fad diet so the least popular way to lose weight is the answerunrealistic claims
Using a fad diet usually indicates that it is a diet that can be done within 3-14 days. And losing weight that fast usually isn't a healthy way. Trying these fad diets usually doesn't provide a person with a well balanced diet. So its not necessarily healthy in the long run.
A lot of people are drawn to 'Fad' diets because, if they are looking at losing a few kilos or they have been on a yo-yo diet trend for many years, the latest 'fad' could be the one they are waiting for. The only problem with the fad diets is that most of them are not sustainable for a long period of time, and depending on the type of fad, they may be starving their body of essential nutrients and vitamins. Best advice, good balanced diet, and of you're going to have a treat, do it in moderation. And if possible, reduce or remove the sugar in your diet. Hope this helps!
Here is a breakdown of fad diets by WebMD: This article also offers tips about how to approach weight loss in a health manner and tips on picking the right diet.
The low carbohydrate diet is a fad diet that many people try. Two low carbohydrate diets are the Atkins diet and the South Beach diet.