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this sounds like a gynacolical problem. Depending on your age, you either have fybroids that must be removed, or you are menapausal, nomatter which, you must see a gynacologist.

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Q: Why am I passing blood clots between periods?
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You are passing large blood clots and can feel them passing is this normal?

Yes, it's very normal. Don't worry

Is large blood clots healthy?

It depends on wether you mean the condition known as thrombosis where the blood clots in your blood circulation system or if you are referring to lumps in your periods. In the first case, no, blood clots are not healty, and as mentioned above can lead to severe health issues or even death. If you are referring to lumpy periods, that is perfectly normal as the monthly discharge contains more than blood (i.e mucus, cells from your womb etc).

What does it mean to keep passing blood clots on your period?

It's normal. The uterus lining is shredding so you bleed fresh blood which has to clot.

How long do you have blood clots after giving birth?

Is it normal to still be passing clots after giving birth 3 days ago..bit worried some r quiet large

What does it mean if your periods are 2 weeks earlyd has a lot of clots?

you might have alot of eggs and blood to be rid of

Blood clots during your period?

blood clots doing my period

Is it normal to get big Blood clots and heavy bleeding during second period after labor?

After giving birth, locia is present from 2-5 weeks. If locia stopped and restarted and you are passing clots it is best to be seen by a physician.

What causes blood clonts during periods?

During periods, blood clots can be caused by the body not being able to release anticoagulants quick enough to prevent the blood from clotting. Some clotting is normal during a period and mostly occurs on the heaviest days.

What does the blood clot look like when you miscarry and pass the baby?

Just miscarried today at six weeks. I woke up covered in blood. Went to the bathroom. I could feel the blood clots as they passed so they were pretty big. I have been aware of it for three hours and I am still passing big clots of blood.

Why blood clots do not form in a blood donation?

They do not form in a blood donation because blood clots are out of our anotomy

Is it normal to have really huge blood clots when you are on your period?

no its not normalNo, its not normal to have huge blood clots. Even i suffered from them when i started my periods. but i couldn't really discuss my problem with anyone as i felt very embarassed about my problem. But i guess one should see a doc for this.

Why are you having watery blood with blood clots?

Watery blood with blood clots can be a sign of miscarriage. You can also have an unusual menstrual cycle. If you have watery blood with blood clots you need to go to a doctor.