colleen moffatshe is so cool
Ryan Newman, Ryan Newman and Kelly Clarkson
His birthday is August 29th and he was born in 1995.
his birthday is September 29 1988
29th of November 1983
29th April
April 29th, 1988.
Not exactly but the closest to then is Liam Payne whose birthday is August 29th 1993
Maya Angelou
42 years old birthday 29th april 1969
1973 April 29th was on a Sunday.
Her birthday is on the 29th of June
in fruits basket it never says,hes b-day but,it dose says that hes one of the oldest members of the zodiac!
colleen moffatshe is so cool
April 29th, 1966 was a Friday.
April 29th 1950 was a Saturday.
TNA wrestler Scott Steiner shares a birthday on July 29th.