April 5th, 1960
Ryan Newman, Ryan Newman and Kelly Clarkson
Many well known people were born on April 29th. Some included are Andre Agassi, Jerry Seinfeld, and Michelle Pfeiffer.
Taylor ashley marie canary parks (the site model) was born on April 5th in 1993
Fionas birthday is 25th April 1964
Maya Angelou
the 5th of April
I believe April 5th
5th April 1956
April 5th, 1977
April 5th, 1960
Born on April 5th, one would be born under the sign of Aries.
He is 13 his birthday is April 5th
Ryan Newman, Ryan Newman and Kelly Clarkson
His birthday is on April 5th, 1977.
5th of April 2001
Im pretty sure Tohru Honda's birthday is on April 5th 2006...