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There air independent shops that repair air guns all over the USA and UK. Do a web search for "Air gun repair" or see the link below.

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Related questions

What is the best pellet gun?

Any of the PCP class of pellet guns or rifles. These are high pressure pellet guns that are capable of shooting a 50cal pellet.

Where do people get pellet guns from?

Sporting goods stores or off the web. Do a search for Air guns or Pellet guns on the web.

What shoots out pellets?

Pellet guns and Pellet rifles.

Why do pellet guns need co2?

Not all pellet guns use C02 some are designed to use a spring or pump. Pellet guns that use C02 are rapid fire guns and do not require re-cocking or pumping between each shot. BUT they usually have less power that spring or pump pellet guns.

What are pellet guns made out of?

Pellet guns are made from different materials. Plastic, Metal, Wood and polymer resin.

What is a good place to buy BB guns or Pellet guns?

The best places to buy BB guns or Pellet guns are Canadian tire, some Walmarts, most tsc stores. But if you have a shop in your town that would be the best place. Ps. DO NOT BUY CHEAP BB GUNS OR PELLET GUNS

Are pellet guns illegal in ma?


Can you transport a pellet handgun in your car?

Yes. Pellet guns are not classified as firearms.

How do C02 pellet guns actually work?

CO2 pellet guns work by using CO2 for rapid fire, with CO2 the gun does not need to be pumped or recorked after every fire. You can also find spring loaded pellet guns.

Can pellet guns kill humans?


Are pellet guns legal in Pennsylvania?


What is better Nerf guns or pellet guns?

well pellet guns are like Nerf but a bit poor they would not even get threw someones chest to the heart Nerf is more popular and the owners are famous billionares the pellet gun companys are not even millionares