cant be compared! UMP is a sub machine-gun and AK-47 is an assault rifle! different characteristics and different uses they have!
The ak74 is deffinetaly the better choice better rate of fire and better accuracy. However 1 bullet of the ak47 does more damage than 1 bullet of the ak74. So ak47 is mainly for hitpoints and ak 74 is better for fire rate and accuracy.
Obviously its the ump45 or ak47 both silenced, with claymore, and flashbang, with the perks, obviously one man army pro (which is your secondary) also cold blooded pro, and sit rep pro, or commando pro. and these are the guns i get my nukes with my first was with ump and always with it then the ak47
Both are very powerful, But the AK47 is more. The m16 has better accuracy tho.
The Commando
the best smg is defenetly the ump 45 cod player huh? there are better guns than overpriced hk products.. also the ump comes in multiple calibers. the ump40 is arguably "better" for most situations.
Ask your parents to assist you in this.
the bar because it shoots a 30.6 and an ak47 shoots a 7.62x39 the bar has a bigger bullet the ak47 probbably has better penetration though because it often uses steel core full metal jacket ammo
an ak-47 is a specific firearm but a bullpup is a category of firearm.
cyma is a bad quality lpeg ( low powered electric gun ) jg is awesome go with it you wont regret it
The AK 47 has more range and is more forgiving of battle field conditions.
Depends. An AK will not help you to cross the enemy trenches. A tank is awful hard to carry.
the cpw is better due to its full metal construncition and higher fps it features steel torque gears and comes with a foregrip and why not get it... it looks amazing