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Arabs and Africans

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Arabian and African societies were involved in slave trading in Africa before Europeans. Arab merchants conducted a significant portion of the trans-Saharan slave trade, while African kingdoms such as the Kingdom of Benin and the Kingdom of Dahomey participated in capturing and selling slaves.

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Q: Which group was responsible for slave trading in Africa before Europeans?
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What was slavery like in Africa before the europeans arrived?

Slavery in pre-colonial Africa was diverse and varied across different regions. In some societies, slaves were assimilated into the community and could rise to positions of power, while in others they were used for manual labor. Slavery was often a result of warfare, debt, or punishment, and slaves could be traded both within Africa and with neighboring regions.

What was slavery like in Africa before Europeans were involved?

Slavery in Africa before European involvement was less racially based and more tied to social, economic, and political factors. It was often a way to integrate outsiders into societies, settle debts, or as a form of punishment. It had a more fluid nature, with slaves sometimes able to rise in status or be freed.

What statements about west African slavery are most accurate?

West African slavery was a prevalent practice that existed long before the arrival of Europeans in the region. Slavery in West Africa was often different from the transatlantic slave trade, as slaves were not solely used for labor but also held various social and economic roles. The transatlantic slave trade significantly intensified and expanded the scale of slavery in West Africa, leading to profound social, economic, and cultural consequences.

What is the difference between africans African-Americans and european africans?

"Africans" refer to people who are native to the continent of Africa. "African-Americans" are descendants of Africans who were captured and brought to America as slaves. "European Africans" could refer to white people who were born or live in Africa, but are of European descent.

Who introduced slavery to the africans?

Slavery existed in Africa before Europeans arrived, with various indigenous societies practicing forms of servitude or slavery. The transatlantic slave trade, which involved the mass forced migration of Africans to the Americas, was initiated and perpetuated by European nations beginning in the 15th century.

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Which group was responsible for slave trading in Africa long before the Europeans had arrived?


What was slavery like in Africa before Europeans got involved?

There was no slavery in Africa before the Europeans got involved!

What was the government of Africa before and after the Europeans came?

Africa is a very large continent. It have more than one kind of government both before and after the Europeans came to the sub-Saharan part of the continent. Europeans have always been an influence on the northern part of Africa, that is near the Mediterranean Sea

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africa had no history befor the coming of european discuss

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Was the colonization of Africa good or bad for Africa?

Yes, it was good for Africa because they were group of savages before the Europeans came and colonized the Africans. The Europeans brought wealth, religion and civilization to the Dark Continent.

What was it like in Africa before the Europeans came?

In fact, Africa was a rich and powerful continent before the Europeans kind of messed things up a tad bit. Kings in Africa had gold and glory. Perhaps today it would have been a world power like the US

When did the europeans discover Africa?

In the 19th Century. Europe owned practically all of Africa then, but not all of these African possessions were conquered in an outright military way. In some cases the Europeans arrived as traders and explorers, and before long they were administrators.

That the Caribbean civilization beagn with the coming of the Europeans?

Civilization in the Caribbean did not begin with the Europeans. Indigenous people lived in the Caribbean long before the arrival of the Europeans. If anything, the Europeans are responsible for the diversity of races in the Caribbean.

What was slavery like in Africa before the arrival of europeans?

It was much worse than slavery in the America's.

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Were people living in Africa before the Europeans?

Very definitely yes, they were probably the first peoples on earth.