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African americans are originally bought from Nigeria and Ethiopia as slaves in the us since 1600s by europeans. European africans migrated to europe from North Africa, somalia, and nigeria since 1870s. Africans from nigeria were brought to the uk as slaves before 1700s.

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"Africans" refer to people who are native to the continent of Africa. "African-Americans" are descendants of Africans who were captured and brought to America as slaves. "European Africans" could refer to white people who were born or live in Africa, but are of European descent.

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Q: What is the difference between africans African-Americans and european africans?
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What causes conflict between the Europeans and the Africans?

Conflicts between Europeans and Africans were primarily driven by colonialism, as European powers sought to assert control over African territories for resources and trade. European expansion disrupted existing power structures, cultures, and economies in Africa, leading to tensions, resistance, and ultimately conflicts. The imposition of colonial rule, exploitation of resources, and discrimination against indigenous populations also fueled conflict between the two groups.

Why did some Africans participate in the slave trade and help the Europeans in the capture of other Africans?

Some Africans participated in the slave trade due to economic incentives, like receiving goods in exchange for slaves. They may have also been motivated by competition between different African groups and kingdoms. European incentives such as firearms and other technology also played a role in encouraging some Africans to collaborate in the capture and sale of other Africans.

What is the differences between African and European slavery?

African slavery primarily involved the enslavement of individuals through capture in warfare or as punishment for crimes, with slaves often having some rights. European slavery, on the other hand, was based on race and involved the transatlantic slave trade, where Africans were forcibly taken to the Americas to work on plantations with no rights or freedoms. Additionally, African slavery existed within African societies, whereas European slavery was imposed on Africans by European colonizers.

Africans and filipino difference?

Africans and Filipinos differ in terms of geography, culture, and physical characteristics. Africans are native to the continent of Africa, while Filipinos are from the Philippines in Southeast Asia. Africans typically have darker skin tones and distinct physical features, while Filipinos have a variety of ethnic backgrounds resulting in a wide range of physical appearances. Cultural differences also exist in terms of language, traditions, and beliefs between the two groups.

How many enslaved Africans were sent to Brazil between the 1520 and 1860?

It is estimated that over 4 million enslaved Africans were sent to Brazil between 1520 and 1860. Brazil received the largest number of enslaved Africans during the transatlantic slave trade.

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Segregation between people of European and African descent, in South Africa, was called apartheid.

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i think it is a brithis economies between european.

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ones bigger than the other

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None. English cars are European cars