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Q: Which group was responsible for slave trading in Africa long before the Europeans had arrived?
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Which group was responsible for slave trading in Africa before Europeans?

Arabian and African societies were involved in slave trading in Africa before Europeans. Arab merchants conducted a significant portion of the trans-Saharan slave trade, while African kingdoms such as the Kingdom of Benin and the Kingdom of Dahomey participated in capturing and selling slaves.

What was slavery like in Africa before the europeans arrived?

Slavery in pre-colonial Africa was diverse and varied across different regions. In some societies, slaves were assimilated into the community and could rise to positions of power, while in others they were used for manual labor. Slavery was often a result of warfare, debt, or punishment, and slaves could be traded both within Africa and with neighboring regions.

Why did europeans want form colonies in West Africa?

Europeans wanted to form colonies in west Africa because it was a good trading spot

How did the cultures of Latin America change after Europeans and Africans arrived?

After the Europeans and Africans arrived Latin America changed by knowing the cultures of Africa and Europe. Meaning;they mixed all cultures from Afica and Europe and what they knew.

How did the slave trade change after Europeans arrived in Africa?

The Europeans took over all of the slaves and made the romans slaves and they were all stooped

When did the europeans discover Africa?

In the 19th Century. Europe owned practically all of Africa then, but not all of these African possessions were conquered in an outright military way. In some cases the Europeans arrived as traders and explorers, and before long they were administrators.

How did European change the institution of slavery in Africa?

Slavery existed in African trade long before europeans arrived

Why do you think Europeans wanted colonies in East Africa?

so that they could get animals to eat off and to get money when they trade

What was Africa like in the 1500s?

Between 1550 and 1650 AD Europeans were purchasing people in Africa to place in slave trade. To purchase humans from Africa the Europeans were trading products such as glass beads and iron bars.

Europeans established southern africa s coastal cities as?

Europeans established South African coastal cities as trading ports. This was especially common during the slave trade but was used for other commodities as well.

Why did Europe feel that it was there duty to westernize Africa?

There were many reasons to the colonization of Africa. Europeans mainly saw it as an opportunity to gain power, wealth, resources, labor, trading partners, etc. as well as an an opportunity for exploration and spreading Christianity. Europeans were also experiencing an era of Social-Darwinism, where they believed Europeans were superior to all others and should thus dominate.

How did Europeans get their information about Africa?

They explored Africa.