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There is no such thing. In fact, the act of piercing only one ear (regardless of which) is closer to a signal that you are homosexual than doing it on a specific side, as piercing only the left or right ear was once used among gay men to let others know whether they were a "top" or "bottom." Now days, however, it is rarely, as in almost never, used among the gay community, so if you still want to pierce only one ear, pick one and go with it, though it is common and perfectly acceptable for a male to have both, regardless of sexual orientation.

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Q: Which ear is the gay ear when it comes to piercing?
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What year did males start piercing the gay right ear?

This is a myth that began in the 1980's. There is no gay right ear.

Which side of your top of ear to pierce if you dont want to be gay?

Piercing your ear will not turn you gay, and there is no gay side. This was a custom of the 1980's.

What side ear piercing is the gay side?

There isn't one

Is it gay for a guy to get his cartilage pierced?

No I have plenty of male clients who have ear cartilage piercing and they are not gay.

Which side of the top ear do you get pierced if your straight and a girl?

contrary to popular misbelief there is no gay straight side to ear cartilage or ear lobe piercing.

What side ear piercing is the gay side for a guy?

To some, a single piercing on either side is considered "gay". What i hear in school though, Its the Right side is gay. left is not. To stay safe, id pierce both =^.^=

Why does Harrison Ford only have one ear pierced?

Got drunk with a couple of his buddies. A man should only pierce one ear...the left. Some have made the mistake of piercing he right ear, which is usually only done by gay men. To counter the mistake of piercing the wrong ear, many men have then gone on to pierce the other ear, so as not to appear gay.

What are your ear piercing thoughts?

When it comes to me its painful for 10 seconds and then your fine with a bit of redness!

Ear cartilage piercing?

Ear cartilage piercing, yes and................

White gunk comes out of your ear piercing hole?

The whitish discharge from the piercing is lymphatic matter and will do not harm it's the normal discharge a piercing will create as it's healing.

Where is ear piercing done?

Ear piercing is normally done in commercial centres in piercing shops.

Is it gay on your right or the person whos looking at you's right when you have an ear piercing?

This is an antiquated custom. Very few men follow this any more. At one time, an erring in the person's right ear indicated he was gay.