The best brand of .177 caliber gun that is good for hunting will depend upon what type of hunting a person is doing. Two good brands for general hunting are the Daisy and Crossman.
The best for what? Paintball, .177 Pellet, 6 mm pellet or bb rifle?
With the right pellet you you can, But it should be a hunting Pellet (Hollow-point) and it should be a heavy pellet not a light weight pellet with at least 900 to1000 FPS.
Any air gun or rifle that uses a .177 Caliber pellet can use the Gamo .177 Red Fire Pellet. No matter who makes the air gun. The Caliber .177 is universal to all .177 caliber pellet guns or rifles.
As long as the pellet is .177 Cal then any .177 caliber pellet will work in your .177 Gamo.
It's not the speed of the pellet it's the size and the type of the pellet. Yes a .177 caliber pellet can kill a pig but it most likely would take several shots, depending on where you hit it. Also "Hunting or hollow point pellets" should be used. A head or heart shot is best. I suggest At least a 25 caliber pellet should be used. If you can afford a a good hunting pellet rifle then I suggest a .25 cal Marauder, a 357 Rogue or a .50 cal Sam Yang. But these are expensive and have devistating power because they at PCP class rifles. (PreCharged Pneumatic) There are a few .25 cal springers or Nitro gas like the "Benjamin trail NP XL" that are a better choice than a .177 cal pellet rifle. .177 usually are not recommended for hunting anything larger than a rodent.
If you are going to hunt with this rifle I suggest you go with a heavy pellet designed for hunting. Stay away from lightweight pellets like the Gamo Raptors. Raptors are fast but very lightweight and don't have the penetrating power of a good hunting pellet. I suggest something like a Benjamin Discovery hunting pellet that weighs 10.5 grams unlike the Raptor that weighs 5.4 grams. The knockdown power of the Discovery is twice as strong as the Raptor. Also Raptors have a tendency to drift off target in a breeze.
No. a 177 is a 4.5mm pellet. A 5mm is a 20 cal pellet. A 5.5mm is a 22 cal pellet Don't try it in the wrong airgun.
It's not so much the caliber you want, its your selection of pellet design. A .177 is sufficient to hunt birds but I would select a hunting pellet (hollow point) to use in the rifle. Hollow points will deform on impact and make a clean kill. .20 and .22 pellets have a little more knock down power but the .177 will have a slightly further range. On the other side .20 and .22 caliber pellets are slightly slower in (FPS) Feet Per second, they, because of the addition weight of the pellet, will fly straighter in a crosswind then a .177 pellet.
Use a .177 cleaning rod and push the pellet back out of the loading port.
Different pellets have different purposes so there is no BEST pellet. But I suggest that you stay away from cheap pellets they perform poorly. High quality pellets like H&N .177 8.18 grain Wadcutters, will cost you around $12 (USA)
Hollow point is best. It is a hunting pellet.. But be advised you have to hit a bone or the pellet may go right through the rabbit and he will run off and die elsewhere.
175m/sec with 0.45gram pellet.