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cricket is a cell service not a phone so this question is impossible to answer


This person was being a VV153-455. The real answer to your question is that, yes, Cricket Wireless is a cell/mobile phone carrier, however assuming you meant, "Where do you put the SIM card for [a Cricket-branded phone]?", the answer is that Cricket Wireless phones use CDMA technology and phones that have SIM cards use GSM technology, so Cricket Wireless phones don't use SIM cards.

So, for example, you can't take a SIM card from a GSM technology carrier and switch it to your Cricket phone. In fact, there's nowhere to put the SIM card. There's a piece of plastic covering the opening where a SIM card would go on most Cricket phones. I know. I have been with Cricket for about 5 years.

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Put the SIM card from the new phone into the old one. Copy the contacts from the old phone's memory to the SIM card. Put the SIM car back in the new phone - then - either copy the contacts to the new phone's memory - or leave them on the SIM card. Either way - the new phone will find them.

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Way 1- Get a plug n plug it into the computer, put all the memory onto a computer... unplug it then put in the other sim card n plug it into the computer n take all that memory u just put on the computer n move it on 2 the sim card Way 2- Buy a USB stick that u can insert a sim card into the end of it, then put the memory that u want on the sim card onto the usb stick

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Okay here is the correct answer: If the phone does NOT have a Sim card it CANT be flashed into cricket. Only phones without a Sim card can be flashed. But there might be a solution to that because the sidekick doesn't require a Sim card to work so just call cricket to verify that you are able to flash it before you go to the store.