There is no where to put a sim card in an env touch. Only a micro sd card.
a micro-sd card is used in the env touch
The ENV 2 has a built in sim card that you can't remove. Verizon doesn't want you to switch services so you can't take it out
I think the enV Touch is better because it has a touch screen and the enV 3 doesn't.
From what I understand, The Rumor Touch does not use a SIM card.
enV touch
env touch of course
The enV touch only comes in black.
LG enV Touch
The better one is.............................EnV Touch
LG enV Touch was created in 2009.
The difference between the env touch and the voyager is that the voyager has the space key on the side, and the env touch has it in the middle. ithink the env touch is a little bit bigger too.
it depends on if you like touch screen or not