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Cricket Communications uses CDMA, so their phones do not have SIM cards.

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Yes, Cricket phones come with a SIM card. Now that Cricket is part of AT&T, you can easily obtain a SIM card from AT&T so your phone will work on its network.

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Where do you put the sim card for cricket?

cricket is a cell service not a phone so this question is impossible to answer ----------------------------------- This person was being a VV153-455. The real answer to your question is that, yes, Cricket Wireless is a cell/mobile phone carrier, however assuming you meant, "Where do you put the SIM card for [a Cricket-branded phone]?", the answer is that Cricket Wireless phones use CDMA technology and phones that have SIM cards use GSM technology, so Cricket Wireless phones don't use SIM cards. So, for example, you can't take a SIM card from a GSM technology carrier and switch it to your Cricket phone. In fact, there's nowhere to put the SIM card. There's a piece of plastic covering the opening where a SIM card would go on most Cricket phones. I know. I have been with Cricket for about 5 years.

If i put my sim card into my phone and then take it out will my contacts still be in that phone?

it can or can not be it depends on your phone IT depends if you saved it to the sim card or the phone because you can do both

If you take out the sim card off a i phone you dont have topay?

If you take the sim card out of your iphone then you wont have service peroid. Doesnt matter if the sim card is out and you have no service on your phone, your still paying no matter what.

How do Iget SIM card out?

take it out of the phone

Will phone take messages without sim?

If your phone is a GSM phone, then it would not take messages without a SIM card on the phone. It would not even work without it.

Can people take your sim card from a metro PCS and use it?

NO. The SIM card is NOT a normal SIM card, its only for that particular phone and for use on MetroPCS's LTE network it was activated with. If its taken out to be used in another phone, it deactivates, rendering the phone and card useless.

How can you flash your phone to cricket?

The easy way to tell the difference is that if your phone does NOT take a SIM card, then it is probably CDMA.i know you can flash pocket and Verizon but not ones with the Sim card like T Mobil.

If your phone is active and you get a new Sim card and it reads unregistered what do you do?

Take the phone back, you cannot get it to work if the sim is not registered.

Where is the SIM card on a Motorola bk70?

The SIM card is located on the back of a Motorola bk70. If you take the back cover off, you will see the SIM card towards the bottom of the phone.

Can you take the sim card out of your straight talk phone and put it into your Android phone i want to take the sim card from my straight talk phone and put it my my tmobile mytouch android?

You can - but - it will only work if the t-mobile phone has been unlocked !

How do you fix a Pantech matrix with a white screen?

Turn off the phone. Take out the battery and sim card for 30 seconds. Place the battery and sim card back in the phone, plug in the charger and turn it on. Unplug the charger, take the battery and sim card back out.

Where is the SIM card in the samsung gusto phone?

it does not have a sim card.