on the app store there is an area with a couple hundreds of free apps
There is an App Store app on the iPod Touch that is used to download apps.
Games for the iPod Nano and iPod Classic cost about $4.99 each. However, there are certain apps for the iPod Touch and iPhone that are free.
The Sims 3 is not free, but there are apps like Shazam, Facebook, TweetDeck, and some games and other apps that are.
For the ipod touch some apps cost money but a whole lot of them dont cost money at all the majority of them are al free.lol so dont worry kk
There is no way to get free apps that come WITH the iPod Touch, but you have the ability to download thousands of free apps when you buy it.
No it costs nothing for FREE apps on your ipod touch.
There are free apps, and as long as you get the apps that are supposed to be free for free, then it is legal. If you get the apps you are supposed to pay for free by jailbreaking the iPod Touch, it is illegal.
Free apps are 100% free.
You cannot get all apps for free without jailbreaking an iPod Touch. It is not possible.
You can get free apps from iTunes or the App Store.
because there are a lot more ipod touch apps than the regular ipod games and apple doesnt make all the apps but they have to put more effort into the ipod games than the ipod touch/iphone apps.
An iPod touch is a touch screen ipod that you can play games and email for FREE!, you can download free apps or even buy new ones
Any that are not free.
You can get free backgrounds, free apps, and free music by downloading apps
Most of the apps are free on the Ipod touch and Iphone but the better the app the more money it will cost! Remember there will always be an app for your choice! So have fun browsing your Ipod touch and Iphone because more apps are going when more apps are coming in!:)
Yes, some apps are really free.