lets start with. Who made the rifle? there are over 100 different companies who have made air rifles.
Do a web search for "Airgun repair' there are several places that repair airguns.
You will have to go online and do a search for "Airgun repair " and locate someone who can repair it for you. ( OR ) This rifle is not that old and normally Crosman has parts for it but this model is not one of the rifles that Crosman has parts onhand, but they do offer a service to locate repair shops that work on Crosman rifles.See the link below
Mahely is a previous trademark Giachetti Gonzales & Cia in Buenos Aires. The rifle was not regularly exported and you may have trouble locating parts on your own. I suggest you do a search on the web for "Airgun Repair" and locate someone near you to repair the rifle.
you may find that the repair may cost more than the value of the rifle. But you can search the web for "air gun repair" and locate a shop near you to have it repaired or contact customer service at ( Daisy.com ) and ask them.
Go to airsplat and you should find what your looking for. Or you could look up "air gun repair" on the web.
Unfortunately, you will probably have to find another rifle to cannibalize for parts. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I suggest that you go on the web and search for Air gun repair. There are several places that repair out of warranty air guns and rifles all across the US.
Your best bet is to do a web search for 'air gun repair" and locate someone near you to repair it for you.
At the very best this rifle is worth around $27 in today's market. So it is not worth repairing. But if you really want to spend the money try searching "Air gun repair" on the web and locate someone who will repair it for you.
I would look to the Internet and do a search for 'Airgun repair." there are several people who repair airguns of all types. (see the link below.)
As far as I know Crosman has made a 1077 rifle and a 1377 pistol, but never a 1177 model that I know of. However Crosman offers a service to locate repair shops that repair older air rifles. See the link below.
You can do a web search and look up "air gun Repair", there are shops around the country that repair older airguns for a living. OR you can contact "Daisy" directly and ask if they have a list of repair centers, or see the link below.
The Crosman 140 Air Rifle was made from 1954 to 1968 in four different variations. Crosman no longer makes parts for the rifle but you can still get it repaired. The Crosman home page offers a "Find a repair center" button on their first page. From there you can locate a center that has parts for your rifle. See the related link.