Do a web search for "Airgun repair' there are several places that repair airguns.
See the link below. The information is the same for all Daisy powerline rifles.
I have two suggestions for you. You can try Daisy directly at their Customer Service (See the link below) or another web link that offers all sorts of air gun repairs. See Link #2 below.
No published sn data.
The model 922 was made between 1978-89 so it is way out of production. A few years ago I was looking for a clip for a different rifle so I went on the web and did a search for "Air Gun Repair "( there are several people who repair older airguns that are out of production ) I emailed them and asked if they had the clip. Several answered me and said "yes." Hopefully you will be able to find it this way.
50-175 USD depending on condition
Marlin made the model 922 in the early 1990's
Yes Marln made a 22 mag auto loder model 922
50-200 USD
Assuming you mean the H&R revolver, SOME parts are available from website. The gun has been out of production over 30 years, so used/ recycled parts are pretty much what there is. Good luck.
The letter c prefix to your serial number indicates that your H&R model 922 was made in the year 1942.
$50-150, depending on model and condition.