You can do a web search and look up "air gun Repair", there are shops around the country that repair older airguns for a living. OR you can contact "Daisy" directly and ask if they have a list of repair centers, or see the link below.
Your best bet is to do a web search for 'air gun repair" and locate someone near you to repair it for you.
Mfg 1984: Considering how old this rifle is, I would send it in for repair. Look on-line for "Daisy air gun repair" or "Airgun repair" and send it to a shop near you.
you may find that the repair may cost more than the value of the rifle. But you can search the web for "air gun repair" and locate a shop near you to have it repaired or contact customer service at ( ) and ask them.
No known sites.
See the link below for a list of places that repair airguns
Daisy offers a free service to tell you more about your Daisy. You can also write to them and see if they have a parts drawing for the rifle (See the links below)
if you want a repair manual you should call Daisy. the # is 479-696-1200. if you want you red rider repaired they will repair it for free. if the gun can not be fixed you will have a choice of getting the rifle back or having it replaced for free.
This Rifle was made by Milbro of Scotland between 1965-74. Your best bet is to search the web for "AirGun Repair" and locate someone near you to repair the rifle. Milbro is no longer in production. No one sells kits to repair the rifle but I'll bet there are several repair shops around that can repair it.
From Daisy. You can request a manual by email-
This gun was made by Daisy Air gun. It is a model 880. Daisy still is making a new version of this same model. I suggest you contact Daisy Customer Service at (800) 643-3458 for assistance, or go on-line and search for "Airgun Repair" and find a location near you that can repair the rifle. Daisy may also have a kit to rebuild it.
This is best done by a professional. Search the web for "airgun repair" and locate a shop to send it to.
Your best bet is to contact Daisy directly and request a parts diagram if they have one.