I believe Masonite quit producing siding several years ago. They lost a class action lawsuit over it. There are several other choices available, Smart Board siding seems to be a much better product. It comes in smooth and wood grain.
Masonite is a thin type of fibreboard/particleboard with one glossy side and one textured side. Use it on the outside of a house and you get masonite siding.
I believe Masonite quit producing siding several years ago. They lost a class action lawsuit over it. There are several other choices available, Smart Board siding seems to be a much better product. It comes in smooth and wood grain.
Masonite can be painted, but it needs to be sealed first. Sand the siding with 80-grit sandpaper or a sanding block, but do not scrape the siding, as it can dislodge chunks of the siding. Apply a layer of primer before painting.
Not sure what you mean by "Bad Masonite siding"?.. If you mean they did a "bad job" installing the siding. No, Homeowners insurance does not cover poor quality or workmanship of the contractors we choose to hire.
Masonite is an outdated product removed from the market due to defect. It basically has no value. Zero Value equals Zero insurability. I don't know of an insurer that would provide coverage for Masonite siding.
I had a 4x8 panel on my house for 30 years. Great product. I added an addition and tried to find the siding with no luck. Used T-111, 8in on center groove to match my old panel. hard to notice the difference.
Masonite siding is affordable, making it a popular choice for tract housing. It can also fall victim to moisture if not inspected and maintained on a regular basis. The siding should be checking thoroughly every spring or fall. Any cracks or gaps in the painted surface should be sanded, patched and repainted to keep it in top condition. Use a paintable caulk to take care of any gaps, cracks or other exposed areas in the masonite siding. Regular maintenance can help extend the life span beyond the average of eight to ten years.
masonite is used sometimes as siding . more commonly used to protect areas suxh as floors and walls in home where construction is going on . skateboard ramps . resurface stages inexpensively; many uses .
You can buy colored vinyl siding usually at the same place where you get the regular normal siding. Or Lowes and Home Depot where they also sell siding.
Masonite siding is a combination of wood chips and products that bind them together (a type of glue or wax). While this product is strong, somewhat pliable and comes in several colors, it does have its drawbacks. It requires more care than vinyl siding and, as a wood product, is susceptible to insect infestation, mold and mildew and shows wear and tear after a few years. Like a wood deck or fence, it would require periodic maintenance. A home siding professional could best determine exactly what product was used on your home if you can't contact the builder directly.
A search for local providers came up with a bunch of local building contractors such as Buffalo-lumber in OKC but there weren't any major national chains except for sears.
lumber yards or big box stores. Look by the paneling.