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Chicken Butt likes Chicken ButtChicken Butt once bought a chicken and ate the butt but nothing else

Chicken Butt doesn't like this girl named Chicken Butt

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Q: Where are all the 8 puppies in mcworld in superoplis?
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Where do you find all 8 dogs in mcworld? place 2.wakey-ki beach 3.superoplis 4. game dome 6. up town 7.enchanted forest 8.runnamok park

Where do you find the 8 puppies in mcworld?

You have to look closely at Superopolis, lavapaloza, uptown and wacky ki beach.

Where are all the 8 puppies in mcworld?

there is One at uptOwn and the underwater game dome and superopolis and wacky-ki beach and space place and mt. lava palooza and in runamok park last one: At Enchanted Hollow on the left side of Pixelina's house

How many puppies can a germen sheperd have?

All dogs can have 1-14 puppies but it is rare to have more than 8 puppies

Where is your pet on mcworld?

Nobody 'gives' you your pet you have to play a pet'scool game ( located in Pettsylvania and Gamedome) to get a certifegete or take the challenge find 8 dogs all over mcworld (believe me it's really hard) So there you have it.

How long shoukld poodle puppies stay with mom?

all puppies should stay with their mom for at least 8 weeks (2 months)

I have 8 puppies 7 of them are black and white and 1 is all black.What decimal fraction of the puppies are black.Please explain well so i can learn how to figure out questions like this in the future?

I would think 1/8 because only 1 is all black but if you count the other 7 puppies as half black then i guess it could be 4.5/8

How Many Puppies Can Rottwilers Have?

they can have 8 to 15 puppies. or smaller.

What is the average amount of puppies can Newfoundlands have?

8-12 puppies

Are puppies puppies or are they puppies disguised as puppies?

That is something very dumb to ask, but I may answer the question.Puppies are disguised puppies dressed as cats. I have 8 puppies and none of them fights with cats. So I suppose that they are disguised as cats. If wiki wasn't so dumb he could've answer this question good. 'Bout all your questions it's stupid. VERY stupid.

How many puppies do a dog have?

They should have up to 8 or 9 puppies a litter.

How many puppies can you get on nintendodogs?