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They are now manufactured at a state of the art facility in South Carolina.Prior to that they were made in New Haven,Conn.

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Q: Where are Winchester Model 94 rifles made?
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What makes the gun a Winchester Model 94?

Winchester made about 28 versions of the Lever Action model 94. All were made by Winchester, all of them were rifles not guns.

How many winchester rifles model 94 crazy horse 38-55 were made?

There was 19,999 guns made in this edition by winchester.

Did Germany make Winchester model 94 rifles?


What year was your Winchester model 94 with serial number 4476?

Your Winchester model 1894 rifle was made in the first year of production,which was 1894.During 1894 Winchester made 14,759 rifles of this model.

Where were pre 92 Winchester 94's made?

If you are reffering to winchester model 1894 rifles made prior to 1992 then they were made in New Haven conn.

Is 1967 Winchester 94 a disired model?

A Winchester model 1894 rifle made in 1967 may be desirable to some people,but the pre-64 model of the Winchester model 1894 is more desirable to collectors.The rifles made from 1894-1941 are the most desirable rifles of this make for collectors.

What year was Winchester model 94 serial number 908329?

With the serial number that you provided,your winchester model 1894 rifle was one of the first 10 rifles made by winchester in 1922.

When was Winchester model 94 Cowboy commemorative serial number 27989 manufactured?

Winchester made the cowboy commemorative rifles in the year 1970.

Winchester 30-30 model 94 serial number 2586099?

Your winchester model 1894 was one of the first 100 rifles made in 1964.Thus it is not a pre-64 model 1894 winchester.

How many 1941 Winchester wcf model 94 were made?

Upadated answer: Winchester actually manufactured 53,738 Model 94s in the year 1941. Winchester produced 48,883 model 1894 rifles in 1941.

What year was it made is a Winchester Model 94 Classic 30-30 with an octagonal barrel?

The Winchester model 94 classic series were produced from 1967-1970.All rifles had either a 20in,or 26in octagon barrel.

Why do some model 94 Winchester 30-30 rifles have gold triggers?

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