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When you start to show!! it wont be jiggly eather!! it starts to feel like muscile!!!!

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Q: When pregnant when does your stomach get hard?
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When does your stomach get hard if you're pregnant?

Your stomach gets hard around the 5-6month.

If your lower part of your stomach is hard after nine weeks after period?

If your stomach is hard nine weeks after period you are probably either pregnant or blood is filling up in your stomach

A hard firm pregnant stomach is a perfect curve?

Yes pregnant women are beautiful and glowing with this perfect curve.

When you feel your guinea pig's stomach is it hard or soft?

If it is harder, it is pregnant, if it is soft, it is not

Can your stomach being hard and breasts being swollen mean you are pregnant?


Can your stomach be hard while on your period and possibly be pregnant?

If you would workout more maybe!

You are over 9 months pregnant and yesterday your stomach got very hard?

if you haven't felt them before, then this may be Braxton hicks contraction. If not then that's all baby in there.

When does a pregnant woman's stomach typically become firm or hard during the course of her pregnancy?

A pregnant woman's stomach typically becomes firm or hard around the second trimester of pregnancy, usually around 20 weeks. This is when the uterus starts to expand and the baby grows, causing the stomach to feel firmer.

Can you be pregnant if your stomach is hard toward the top?

I have the same thing my stomach feels hard at the top and i feel hungry even after i eat. Does anyone Know if it takes longer to get preg after an ecoptic preg.

Why does a pregnant woman stomach growl?

i am 5months pregnant lady. i am look at no pregnant or not stomach. what is the reason

Your stomach is hard what can that mean Also you haven't been on your period for almost 4 months?

Well yOu cOuld Be Pregnant..!!

What happens if you think you're pregnant but there is a somewhat of a hard spot just above you're stomach?

go to the doctor immediatly