I have the same thing my stomach feels hard at the top and i feel hungry even after i eat. Does anyone Know if it takes longer to get preg after an ecoptic preg.
I would see your GP about this as it could mean you are pregnant but it could mean a number of other things.
No, during pregnancy, the uterus grows up from the pubic bone, therefore getting hard on the bottom first. But during the first trimester, your stomach shouldn't be hard at all. The uterus doesn't even rise up above the pubic bone until at least 12 weeks, which is the end of the first trimester.
your bunny will growl at you try to bite will run away from you outside and wont let you pick her up and will honestly hate when you touch her stomach and keep felling her stomach carefully if the sides are round then she is and on top of her stomach is like a little lump
i think there is a slight possibility that you are, but i didnt experience the itching till i was atleast 5-6 months pregnant i also had a very hairy belly too
I suggest you ask your obstetrician.
Which nutrients floats on top of the stomach fluids?
At 14 weeks pregnant the baby is still positioned mostly behind the pelvic bone. The growth of a uterus at 14 weeks gestation is about a inch above the top of the pelvic bone.
Yes it is very possible that you are pregnant because those are the symptoms of pregnancy maybe try to have a pregnancy test
The bottom does because the uterus grows upward. Around 20 weeks you should feel a harder belly at belly button height.
A sharp pain can be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy or an inplantaion pain.
No part of a girls stomach gets hard while she is pregnant. Except if she eats too big a meal. The stomach really isn't part of the pregnancy except to get nutrients to the baby from the food the mom eats. That organ that feels so hard at times, that is holding a baby, placenta and a sac of fluid around the baby is the uterus. The pre pregnancy uterus is about the size of a closed fist shaped like an upside down pear. The narrow part is the cervix which sits at the top of the vagina. After the 3rd month of pregnancy the top of the uterus has grown so you can feel the top of it at about the level of the pubic bone. By 20 weeks the top is about to your belly button. Measuring the change every month is how your doctor monitors the babies growth. Most of the time the uterus is firm like a a kids rubber ball. At other times it will contract and feel very hard like a watermelon. Those contractions are usually just practice contractions but if they start coming in a regular pattern and have enough strength that you have to stop whatever you are doing until it passes, call your doctor or follow whatever instructions he has given you to follow.