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Yes pregnant women are beautiful and glowing with this perfect curve.

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Q: A hard firm pregnant stomach is a perfect curve?
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Explain why the MC curve can be considered to be the individual firm's supply curve under conditions of Perfect Competition can the whole length of MC be considered the supply curve Whywhy not?

if the MC=Price, the firm got the maximum profit. that's what they want.

When does a pregnant woman's stomach typically become firm or hard during the course of her pregnancy?

A pregnant woman's stomach typically becomes firm or hard around the second trimester of pregnancy, usually around 20 weeks. This is when the uterus starts to expand and the baby grows, causing the stomach to feel firmer.

How many months pregnant are you when your stomach starts to firm?

That really depends on the woman and how fit she is when she concieves. Some women do not firm until 3+ months.

Relationship between marginal cost and the supply curve for a purely competitive firm?

Marginal cost curve above the average variable cost curve, is the same as the short run supply curve. In perfect competition, MC=Price. It follows that production will be at that point. Hence the supply curve is the same as that part of the MC curve which is above AVC, where the firm can cover its variable cost....this is better than shutting down.

A firm's marginal cost curve above the average variable cost curve is also?

A firm's short run supply curve

Why average revenue curve of a firm under perfect competition is a horizontal line?

Since a firm in a perfectly competitive market is a passive price taker, the demand curve for the individual firm is a horizontal line. This means that the firm receives the same price for any level of output. This therefore means that Margincal Revenue curve and Average revenue curve is the same as the demand curve. D=P=MR=AR For example, the price facing a particular firm (perfectly competitive) is $2. If the firm sells two pens it receives a total revenue of $4, if it sells 3 pens, then $6 and so on. $4/$2=2 $6/$2=2

Why does a Perfect Competition firms demand curve is also its marginal revenue curve?

AnswerFor a perfectly competitive firm with no market control, the marginal revenue curve is a horizontal line. Because a perfectly competitive firm is a price taker and faces a horizontal demand curve, its marginal revenue curve is also horizontal and coincides with its average revenue (and demand) curve. Yes - what you must remember is that a firm's demand curve in perfect competition is its average revenue curve. Average revenue = price x quantity / quantity = price. The demand curve shows the quantity demanded at varying prices and this is exactly what the average revenue curve will do.Because there are so many sellers in the market, no one firm has enough market power to influence price (if a firm tried to raise price consumers would move to different suppliers; nobody would buy the good), therefore price is determined by industry supply and demand, and a firm can produce any quantity at this price . This means that the firm faces a horizontal average revenue (demand curve) and if average revenue is constant, this means total revenue is increasing at a constant rate, and therefore marginal revenue is constant as well.

What is a firm's short run supply curve?

A perfectly competitive firm's supply curve is that portion of its marginal cost curve that lies above the minimum of the average variable cost curve.

Profit maxiamisation in a perfect economy?

Profit maximization occurs when the firm produces /sets their price at the intersection of the marginal cost curve and the horizontal MR DARP curve (marginal revenue, demand, average revenue, price)

What is the equilibrium of a firm?

The equilibrium of a firm depends with the elasticity of a demand curve.

A firm operating in a purely competitive resource market faces a resource supply curve that is?

B. Perfectly elastic This is because it is operating in a perfect competitive market