your tummy will start to grow noticeably in your second trimester(4 to 6mnths), and onwards. but remember all pregnancies are not the same, just relax and enjoy!!!!!
during pregnancy
Yur "baby belly" will not appear until the first few weeks of pregnancy.(:
it normal to have a cold stomach during pregnancy
it is quite likely that if you are spotting blood and your stomach feels bigger then you are pregnant. spotting blood is often a sypmtom of early pregnancy. if your stomach feels bigger, it could be the result of numerous things such as bloating, weight gain or pregnancy. if this is happening to you then i highly suggest you do a pregnancy test.
no, you cant sleep with a stomach during pregnancy
During pregnancy, the stomach is located in the upper part of the abdomen, just below the rib cage.
A bigger stomach and no periods :/
Yes, it is common for the stomach to feel hard during pregnancy due to the growing uterus and the muscles tightening.
The stomach is the organ which is the primary digester of food. It does not grow during pregnancy.
after 3 month