Women wear menstrual pads during menstruation, the purpose of these is to collect menstrual flow as it leaves the body in order to prevent it getting onto clothing. Some women will use pads before their period starts to be ready, and even when using tampons they still have to alternate with pads.
if they want to hehe
No, you don't have to wear a pantiliner - pantiliners are designed for light menstrual flow, but some women will go without protection when flow is this light, use period underwear, sanitary pads, softcups, or menstrual cups.
Women would use tampons or menstrual pads. There are also options like menstrual release too.
No, you don't have to wear tampons during your period. Most women start-off using pads, also if you use tampons or sponges you have to use pads as it's not safe to use tampons or sponges overnight, with light flow or throughout your entire period. You can use menstrual cups or softcups which don't require you to use pads at all, or there are options such as menstrual release that require nothing.
I don't know what Miley Cyrus uses for her periods - pads, tampons (and pads), menstrual cups, softcups, free-flow, menstrual release, etc. Whatever she uses on her period is up to her and no one's business but hers. Given as homelessness is a cause she supports, I'm guessing that she'd prefer you to care less about her menstrual options and consider helping provide options for homeless women.
Well actuallly hey didnt use anything to absorb their menstrual blood. And they didnt wear any underwear eiher according to the museuam of menstruation
No reason why not ! You can use either pads or tampons to absorb the menstrual flow.
liquied flow
If you mean menstrual products, you have a few options;Commercial menstrual pads e.g. Always or KotexOrganic menstrual pads e.g. Emerita or NatracareCloth menstrual pads e.g. Lunapads or GladragsInterlabial pads e.g. LabinniPadded underwear e.g. Lunapanties or WeMoonCommercial period belts e.g. Dr WhitesCloth period belts e.g. ReddysCommercial tampons e.g. Tampax or PlaytexOrganic tampons e.g. Cottons or MaximSoft tampons e.g. Beppy or GynotexCloth tampons e.g. Honour Your FlowSponge tampons e.g. Jade & PearlSilicone menstrual cups e.g. Divacup or MooncupRubber menstrual cups e.g. KeeperTPE menstrual cups e.g. MeLunaSoftcups e.g SoftcupDiaphragms or capsYou can go without using any sort of menstrual products, some women opt for free-bleeding which means just bleeding without any menstrual products, or some women will use menstrual release or Sherman method where they learn to recognise when thye are about to bleed and use vaginal muscles to prevent bleeding until they go to the bathroom. Many women will also be fine using options like pantyliners or toilet paper.
No, it continues pretty much constantly. Most women wear tampons when they go swimming, as the pads absorb water and get really heavy and messy.
Yes, you can do anything you like on your period. It's perfectly okay to play sports while menstruating and if using menstrual pads - with the exception of swimming and water sports. Active women do often prefer internal menstrual products like tampons, menstrual sponges, menstrual cups, or softcups, but it's perfectly okay for you to exercise with external menstrual products like menstrual pads. As long as you're comfortable it's fine.