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They start during puberty

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Q: When do woman start periods?
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Related questions

Can you make periods start faster?

well its not proven that you can make yourself start your periods but try masterbating yourself (find out on the internet because im not telling you) some girls/woman have tryed it and they say it works but dont hurt yourself

How do Birth control pills affect a woman's menstrual periods?

A woman's menstrual periods are regular and usually lighter when she is taking oral contraceptives

Can women get their periods twice in a month?

A woman can get her period twice a month if she has irregular periods.

Do all girls start there periods?

Yes all girls start there periods between the ages of 9-16

What are the chances of of a woman getting pregnant if she has irregular periods?

the same as someone who has regular periods. having periods, in general, means that your body can have babies.

Do periods start when your ten years old?

Periods can start at a range of ages, the average is 12 years old but they can start at age 7 or 14.

When does a woman conceive after monthly periods?

a woman can get pregnant with a baby the FIRST time she EVER has SEX even if she has NO PERIODS! and you are at risk of getting pregnant always. use birth control

Can you start your periods when your eleven?


Your son is 15 months you breastfeed himhave not got your periods after his birth?

Generally while woman are breastfeeding they do not have periods.

When are you spostta start youre period?

It varies from woman to woman. The average ages are from between 8-16, though most commanly around 12-13. If you have not started your periods by the age of 16 you should consult a doctor for further advice.

Why does a woman miss her period when she is pregnant?

If pregnancy may be in periods

Can a woman mess a another woman menstrual cycle?

Women living with each other for a prolonged periods of time tend to have periods that coincide with each other. It is proposed that pheromones are the cause of that.