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The starting AND ending of your periods. :)

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Q: How should one count your periods cycle from the starting of the periods or ending of the periods?
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How do you postpone periods?

Norethisterone. Norethindrone (norethisterone) is a prescription medicine that can delay the start of a period. Your doctor my prescribe you three tablets a day, starting three to four days before you expect your period to begin. Once you stop taking the medicine, your period should begin within two to three days.

When do you starting counting the 1st day of your periods?

The first day of your period is the first day of bleeding - you don't count days when you are spotting (brown or pink discharge).

Does periods at the end of a sentence count as a word?

No, periods at the end of a sentence do not count as a separate word. They are punctuation marks used to indicate the end of a sentence.

How can you make your letters in scrabble count four times?

Turn 1 - Make a word starting (or ending) with A. Turn 2 - Add onto the first word at either beginning or end. Turn 3 - Make a word starting or ending with A, using the A already on the board. Turn 4 - Add to the word you made in Turn 3.

Does PC reduce sperm count?

Yes you can have a low sperm count if you are a regular user of a labtop for long periods. It is the radiation that is responsible.

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How many sides does a Rhombotrunicatediscododechedron?

it has 20 and if you count from the inside its never ending

Why don't elementary students get free periods?

Because teachers think that reccess and lunch count. also, they want to be able to teach as much as possible, so they get paid as much as they should

How many Thursdays in 2010?

Well, there's generally one Thursday a week. There are 52 weeks in a year. I don't remember 2010 as either starting on, or ending on a Thursday,so I'm left with 52 as the count.

How can you use a number line to find the sum of -4 and 6?

You can make a number line starting with the number -4 and ending with the number 10. Then start from -4 and count 6 numbers and that will be your answer, which is 2. -4 + 6 =2.

What are the 6 periods of middle school?

well, this is basically my schedule.homeroom ( doesn't count as a period)ScienceLanguage ArtsMathSocial studiesLunch ( doesn't count as a period)Choir ( my elective)P.E

Does it count every 28 days after you end your period?

Even though some women can ovulate slower or faster than others, the normal count between periods is to count 28 days from the day you BEGIN a period.