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When you have unprotected sex and then miss a period When you have unprotected sex and then miss a period

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Q: When do i know its time to take a pregnancy test?
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When is the best time to take a pregnancy test after pregnancy?

"After pregnancy?"If you know you are pregnant then don't take the test.Lmao -_-

When on birth control can you still take a pregnancy test?

You can take a pregnancy test any time you like. Birth control does not affect the accuracy of a pregnancy test.

When is the good time to take a pregnancy test am just 3 days late and you cant wait to know if am pregnant or no want to know soo bad?

Just take the pregnancy test now and maybe sometime again next week.

When should be the the test for pregnancy through blood test can be taken?

If you are a woman, you may take the pregnancy test at any time. If you are a man, you do not need to take the test; you are not pregnant.

When is the correct time to take a pregnancy test?

I think that you should take a pregnancy test when you think you are pregnant, or when you feel something in your tummy.

Is there a time of day that is best for taking a pregnancy test?

No, the time of day has nothing to do of whether or not you will know if you are pregnant. It just depends on the level of hormones you have present at the time you take the test.

What time in the morning to take a test?

The best time to take a pregnancy test in the morning is right before you first urinate. This will give you the most accurate results by allowing the pregnancy hormone to accumulate therefore be easier to detect by the test.

After how much time girl get to know that she is pregnant?

You should wait at least 14 days after having sex to confirm pregnancy. By this time the pregnancy hormone (hcg) should be high enough for a home pregnancy to detect. Be sure to read the instructions of the pregnancy test through to get accurate results. For example, testing in the morning is the best time, don't drink excessive fluids before taking the test just to be able to take the test sooner, etc.

How many days should you wait to take a pregnancy test once diarrhea happens?

AnswerNo time limit. Make sure to thoroughly clean front to back so you don't contaminate the urineAnswerYou can take a pregnancy test whilst you have diarrhea. It will not affect the result.

How long does it take to get results from a blood pregnancy test?

Results from a blood pregnancy test typically take 1-2 days to come back, depending on the lab's processing time. This type of test is very accurate and can detect pregnancy earlier than a urine test.

I went to the dr's appointment 4 days ago and pregnancy test came back negative but i am almost 2months late but i am experiencing signs of pregnancy i need help ......?

take another pregnancy test but this time take more than ONE!

How soon can you take a pregnancy test if you are still taking the pill?

you can take one at any time you think you are pregnant.