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Just take the pregnancy test now and maybe sometime again next week.

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Q: When is the good time to take a pregnancy test am just 3 days late and you cant wait to know if am pregnant or no want to know soo bad?
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How soon after intercourse can pregnancy be detected?

10 days for blood test and 14 days for Home pregnancy test. Well it could vary but this is the most likely when pregnancy can be detected. After you missed your period the home pregnancy SHOULD work if you were pregnant. Good luck.

They say if your nipples are brown your pregnant So is that true?

No, not always it could just be maturing, not always necessary mean you are pregnant, but you cant find out for sure by a pregnancy test good luck.

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Guinea pigs are usually pregnant for around 9 weeks, or 63 days. You can estimate the pregnancy stage by observing the size of the belly and behavior changes in your guinea pig. It's always best to consult with a veterinarian for accurate information and care during pregnancy.

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Fancy Hamsters are usually pregnant for about 2 or 3 weeks (about 14-21 days) Though you will probably not be able to tell if the hamster is pregnant until about the last 4 days of its pregnancy. I hope that this helps and good luck with your little one! :)

Is sensativity to smell a good sign of pregnancy?

No. A pregnancy test is the best way to determine if you are pregnant.

Is methylparaben ok during pregnancy?

no not good to pregnant women

Could your girlfriend be pregnant if she has a headache and is not feeling good?

This is a good sign of pregnancy.. Good Luck

If you were 5 days late for your period but when it comes its light but you do not have the symptoms of being pregnant what do you do?

Yes, u can get pregnancy, u can go through and confirm doing home pregnancy test.............after 3 days itself u can do Pregnancy test........... Better do it on early morng because hcg levels will be good at that point All the best

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absolutely perfect during pregnancy

Can you get a positive pregnancy result after miscarriage?

That's a very good question. i believe you cant but it depends when you do it. Like wait i believe 5 days.

When can you take a pregnancy test and it show up that you are pregnant?

You can get a positive home pregnancy test as soon as 7-10 days after implantation, but don't get frustrated if it takes longer. I have a friend who didn't get a positive result until 8 weeks and 2 missed periods and she had a perfectly healthy pregnancy and baby. I didn't get a positive until 6 weeks the last time I was pregnant and I am positive I am pregnant again, 4 days late and still testing negative. The best thing to do is take care of your body as if you are pregnant until you know for sure. Good luck!

What should you do if your girlfriend is 4 days late for her period?

It might be a good time to buy a pregnancy test. Ask her how she feels. If she never been pregnant before she might want to take one just to make sure she is not pregnant.