A boy can get a girl pregnant when his semen becomes matured. That's all I know, were learning about it right now in health class.
Anytime after the onset of menses for girls .
Yes.A girl can even get pregnant if the boy does pull out.
If a boy just hugs a girl tightly, no. She will not be pregnant.
if she is a virgin then no but she can get pregnant
noting if the girl and mom do not like each other!
yes she can but if you dont have sex the girl will not be pregnant.
absolutely not, however, it is almost impossible for a girl to force a boy to have sex.
You need to have sex to get pregnant.
Of course not. A girl can only be pregnant with a boy.
No, a girl rabbit need to have sex with a boy rabbit in order to get pregnant.
Boy or girl it makes no difference.
yes, if the girl is fertile.