A home pregnancy test can detect the pregnancy hormone starting around 10 days after conception.
The first home pregnancy test was created and marketed in 1978.
An inconclusive test usually means the test was run too early, the hCG level is elevated but not high enough to confirm a pregnancy. In a normal pregnancy, waiting three days and rerunning the test should provide sufficient time for the hormone rise to be conclusive for pregnancy or the lack of growth to insure there is no pregnancy.
Wait two weeks after unprotected sex before taking a pregnancy test.
You should take a pregnancy test shortly after your missed period. That is when a home pregnancy test is most effective. Although I have heard you can do a blood test at the doctor as soon as 2 weeks before your missed period.
Control didn't work, test is not accurate.
A blank pregnancy test means only one thing that you have used broken or defective test. For every traditional pregnancy test, there appear two lines. The first one generally appears to show that the test is working appropriately while the second one appears if you are pregnant. In case of digital test, there appears an hourglass that appears on the digital screen once you begin to test if nothing appears (means blank) it means the test is defective.
Go buy a new one, take the test again. That test must be messed up.
Your results can be a false-negative or a false-positive.
Meaning "negative pregnancy test" with ectopic pregnancy: Any test can fail, urine test, blood simple test, and quantitative HGC test. Also the timing of the test versus the diagnosis by image (ultrasound). Ectopic pregnancy is only diagonsed with image, ultrasound, CT, MR.
Each pregnancy test kit is different in their readings. Check the label for the meaning of the one pink line to see if that represents a positive pregnancy test.
Its probably time to go get a blood test at the doctor to be on the safe side thats wat I learned
If you have a negative pregnancy test, you are probably not pregnant. What makes you think it's not your period? (ie. did you have a pos pregnancy test earlier?)
hay u guys, ive been experiencing some stange and vivid dreams just recently and last night i dreamt that a pregnancy test came up positive on me...whats you verdict?
You can perform a urine pregnancy test 2-3 weeks after intercourse. You can perform a blood test to determine pregnancy 5-7 days after intercourse.
Superdrug is a more sensitive test (10miu) meaning it can detect lower levels of hormones (early pregnancy). Clearblue is more like 25miu, meaning you would have to have higher hormone levels (later pregnancy) before it picked it up.
A doctor's pregnancy test is much more accurate, where as a home pregnancy test can be faulty.