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Its probably time to go get a blood test at the doctor to be on the safe side thats wat I learned

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Q: Whats it mean when your pregnancy test shows positive and then disappears?
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What is going on when a girl has her period and it is on and off and then she takes a pregnancy test right after that and it shows positive?

She's pregnant if the test shows positive

How long until the pregnancy test shows positive?

about 1O-14 days after conception.

What if you take a pregnancy test and no line shows up the positive box what does it mean?

it means your not pregers xD

How long does it take to get a positive test if you are pregnant?

You should take a test now if you are almost 2 months late. A pregnancy test usually shows positive if you are pregnant right after your period is missed.

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A card that shows who you are.

How can I ensure a pregnancy test shows a positive result?

It is important to follow the instructions on the pregnancy test carefully and use it at the right time for accurate results. Additionally, ensuring that the test is not expired and using it with the first urine of the day can help increase the chances of getting a positive result if you are pregnant.

How would pregnancy being diagnosed by urine test?

Because the baby's pee gets mixed with your pee and when the test senses two peoples pee it shows positive.

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Will a man's urine make a pregnancy test positive?

Yes, it can. However, if this happens, then the man in question should seek a doctor. A positive test shows an elevated level of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), and can mean testicular cancer. Please note this is advice only & is not to be used in place of a Medical experts.

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a tv is something you can watch your favorite shows on

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Paul Wight

What does it indicate when a pregnancy test shows a C line?

When a pregnancy test shows a C line, it indicates that the test is working correctly. The C line is a control line that shows the test is valid, regardless of whether a second line appears indicating pregnancy.